ALQURANIC Mail [The Ultimate Guide ALQURAN] |
Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Forward this message to as many people you can.
[3. Surah Al-e-Imran : Ayah 104] |
And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong, and these it is that shall be successful.
He who walks towards Me, I rush towards him |
[Sahih Muslim : Book 35 Kitab Al-Dhikr, Number 6499] Abu Dharr (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) as saying that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, stated:
"He who comes with goodness, there are in store for him ten like those and even more than those: 'And he who comes with vice, ' it is only for that that he is called to account. I even forgive him (as I like) and he who draws close to Me by the span of a palm I draw close to him by the cubit, and he who draws close to Me by the cubit I draw close to him by the space (covered) by two hands, and he who walks towards Me I rush towards him, and he who meets Me in the state that his sins fill the earth, but not associating anything with Me, I would meet Him with the same (vastness) of pardon (on My behalf)."

My Lord! grant me that I should be grateful for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I should do good such as Thou art pleased with, and make me enter, by Thy mercy, into Thy servants, the good ones.

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