Prayer for Mercy and Forgiveness
Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lanakunanna min-al-khasirin.
"Our Lord ! we have wronged ourselves. If Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surly we are of the lost."
2 Prayer for Grace on both the Worlds
Rabbana aatina fid-unya hasanatan wa fil-aakhirati hasanatan wa qina 'ashab-an-nar.
"O Lord ! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and guard us from that doom of the Fire ".
3 Prayer for Forbearance and Fortitude
Rabbana afrigh alaina sabgran wa thabbit aqddamana wansurna alalqaumil-kafirin.
" Our Lord! Bestow on us endurance, make our foothold sure, and give us help against the disbelieving folk".
4 Prayer for Protection against the Mischief of the Devil
Rabbi a'udhu bika min hamazat-ishayatini wa audhubika rabbi an yahdurun.
" May Lord ! I seek refuge in Thee from suggestions of the evil ones and I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord ! last they be present with me".
5 Prayer for Protection against the torment of Hell
Rabbanasrif 'anna 'adhaba jahannama inna 'adhadaha kana gharama Innaha sa'at mustaqarran wa muqama:
" Our Lord ! Avert from us the doom of hell : Lo ! The doom thereof is anguish. Lo ! it is wretched as abode and station".
6 prayer for the Correction of Heart
Rabana la tuzigh qulubana ba'da idh hadaitana wa hablana min ladunka rahmah innaka antal-Wahhab.
"Our Lord ! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou hast guided us, and bestow upon su mercy from Thy Presence. Lo ! Thou, only Thou art the Bestower"..
7 Prayer for the Purification of Heart
Rabbanaghfir lana wa li-ikawaninal- ladhina sabaquna bil-imani wa la taj'al fi qulubina ghillal-lil- laghina aamanu rabbana innaka ra'uf-ur-Rahim.
" Our Lord ! Forgive us and our brethren who were before us in the faith, and place not place not in our hearts any rancour towards those who believe. Our Lord ! Thou art full of pity, Merciful".
8 Prayer for Favourable Turn of Events
Rabbana aatina min ladhunka rahmatan wa hayyi' lana min amrina rashada.
"Our Lord ! Give mercy from Thy presence and shape for us right conduct in our plight".
9 Prayer for salvation
Rabbana aamanna faghfir lana warhamna wa anta khair-ur-rahimain.
" Our Lord ! We believe therefore forgive us and have mercy on us for Thou art best of all who show mercy".
10 Prayer for the grant of satisfaction and peace in the family
Rabbana had lana azeajina e adhur-riyyatina qurrata a'ayunin waj'alana lil-muttaqina imma.
" Our Lord ! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil) ".
11 Prayer for Parents
Rabbanaghfir li wa li-walidayya wa lil-mo'mina yauma uaqumu-ul-hisab.
" Our Lord ! Forgive mi and my parents and the believers on the day when the account is cast ".
12 Prayer for protection form trials and tribulations
Rabban la tu'akhidhna innasina au akhta'na rabbana wa la tahmil 'alaina isran kama hamaltahu 'alalladhina min qablina rabbana wa la tuhamilna ma la taqata lana bihi wa'fu 'anna waghfir lana war hamna anta maulana fansurna 'al-la-qaum- il-kafirin.
" Our Lord ! Condemn us not if we forget or err : Our Lord ! Lay not on us such a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us : Our Lord ! Impose not me us that which we have not the strength to bear : Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us. Thou ' art our Protector and give us victory over the disbe lieving folk ".
13 Prayer for getting rid of the disbelievers' domination

Alallahi tawakkalan rabbana la taj'alna fitnatanlil- qaum-iz-zalimin. Wa najjina firahmatika min-al-qaumil kafirin.
" In Allah we put trust. Our Lord ! Oh, make us not a lure for the wrongdoing folk. And of Thy mercy, save us from the folk that disbelieve".
14 Prayer for a Propitious end
Fatir-as-samawati wal-ardi anta waliyyi fid-dunya wal-aakhirati tawaffani musliman wa allhiqni bissalihin.
" Creator of the heavens and the earth Thou art my protecting Friend in the world and the Hereafter. Make me to die submissive (unto Thee), and join me to the righteous ".
Rabbana innana sami'na munadiyan yunadi lil-imani an aaminu birabbium fa' amanna rabbana faghfirlana dhunubana wa kaffir 'anna sayyi atina wa tawaffana maial abra. Rabbana wa-atina ma wa adtana ala rusulika wala tukhzina yaum-al-qiyamati innaka la tukhlif-ul-mi' ad.
" Our Lord ! We have heard a crier calling unto Faith : Believe ye in your Lord ! So we believed our Lord ! Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from us our evil deeds and make us die that death of the righteous. Our Lord ! And give us that which Thou hast promised to us by Thy messengers. Confound us not upon the Day of Resurrection. Lo ! Thou breakest not the trust ".
Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lanakunanna min-al-khasirin.
"Our Lord ! we have wronged ourselves. If Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surly we are of the lost."
2 Prayer for Grace on both the Worlds
Rabbana aatina fid-unya hasanatan wa fil-aakhirati hasanatan wa qina 'ashab-an-nar.
"O Lord ! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and guard us from that doom of the Fire ".
3 Prayer for Forbearance and Fortitude
Rabbana afrigh alaina sabgran wa thabbit aqddamana wansurna alalqaumil-kafirin.
" Our Lord! Bestow on us endurance, make our foothold sure, and give us help against the disbelieving folk".
4 Prayer for Protection against the Mischief of the Devil
Rabbi a'udhu bika min hamazat-ishayatini wa audhubika rabbi an yahdurun.
" May Lord ! I seek refuge in Thee from suggestions of the evil ones and I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord ! last they be present with me".
5 Prayer for Protection against the torment of Hell
Rabbanasrif 'anna 'adhaba jahannama inna 'adhadaha kana gharama Innaha sa'at mustaqarran wa muqama:
" Our Lord ! Avert from us the doom of hell : Lo ! The doom thereof is anguish. Lo ! it is wretched as abode and station".
6 prayer for the Correction of Heart
Rabana la tuzigh qulubana ba'da idh hadaitana wa hablana min ladunka rahmah innaka antal-Wahhab.
"Our Lord ! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou hast guided us, and bestow upon su mercy from Thy Presence. Lo ! Thou, only Thou art the Bestower"..
7 Prayer for the Purification of Heart
Rabbanaghfir lana wa li-ikawaninal- ladhina sabaquna bil-imani wa la taj'al fi qulubina ghillal-lil- laghina aamanu rabbana innaka ra'uf-ur-Rahim.
" Our Lord ! Forgive us and our brethren who were before us in the faith, and place not place not in our hearts any rancour towards those who believe. Our Lord ! Thou art full of pity, Merciful".
8 Prayer for Favourable Turn of Events
Rabbana aatina min ladhunka rahmatan wa hayyi' lana min amrina rashada.
"Our Lord ! Give mercy from Thy presence and shape for us right conduct in our plight".
9 Prayer for salvation
Rabbana aamanna faghfir lana warhamna wa anta khair-ur-rahimain.
" Our Lord ! We believe therefore forgive us and have mercy on us for Thou art best of all who show mercy".
10 Prayer for the grant of satisfaction and peace in the family
Rabbana had lana azeajina e adhur-riyyatina qurrata a'ayunin waj'alana lil-muttaqina imma.
" Our Lord ! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil) ".
11 Prayer for Parents
Rabbanaghfir li wa li-walidayya wa lil-mo'mina yauma uaqumu-ul-hisab.
" Our Lord ! Forgive mi and my parents and the believers on the day when the account is cast ".
12 Prayer for protection form trials and tribulations
Rabban la tu'akhidhna innasina au akhta'na rabbana wa la tahmil 'alaina isran kama hamaltahu 'alalladhina min qablina rabbana wa la tuhamilna ma la taqata lana bihi wa'fu 'anna waghfir lana war hamna anta maulana fansurna 'al-la-qaum- il-kafirin.
" Our Lord ! Condemn us not if we forget or err : Our Lord ! Lay not on us such a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us : Our Lord ! Impose not me us that which we have not the strength to bear : Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us. Thou ' art our Protector and give us victory over the disbe lieving folk ".
13 Prayer for getting rid of the disbelievers' domination
Alallahi tawakkalan rabbana la taj'alna fitnatanlil- qaum-iz-zalimin. Wa najjina firahmatika min-al-qaumil kafirin.
" In Allah we put trust. Our Lord ! Oh, make us not a lure for the wrongdoing folk. And of Thy mercy, save us from the folk that disbelieve".
14 Prayer for a Propitious end
Fatir-as-samawati wal-ardi anta waliyyi fid-dunya wal-aakhirati tawaffani musliman wa allhiqni bissalihin.
" Creator of the heavens and the earth Thou art my protecting Friend in the world and the Hereafter. Make me to die submissive (unto Thee), and join me to the righteous ".
Rabbana innana sami'na munadiyan yunadi lil-imani an aaminu birabbium fa' amanna rabbana faghfirlana dhunubana wa kaffir 'anna sayyi atina wa tawaffana maial abra. Rabbana wa-atina ma wa adtana ala rusulika wala tukhzina yaum-al-qiyamati innaka la tukhlif-ul-mi' ad.
" Our Lord ! We have heard a crier calling unto Faith : Believe ye in your Lord ! So we believed our Lord ! Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from us our evil deeds and make us die that death of the righteous. Our Lord ! And give us that which Thou hast promised to us by Thy messengers. Confound us not upon the Day of Resurrection. Lo ! Thou breakest not the trust ".
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